Apex Code |
public with sharing class MarkForOrderController {
@AuraEnabled(cacheable = true)
public static recordsWrapper getOrders(String queryTerm, Integer limitSize, Integer offset, Date fromDate, Date toDate){
try {
string strCountQuery = 'SELECT count() FROM Order';
string strQuery = 'SELECT Id, OrderNumber, Createddate, AccountId, Account.Name, Status, TotalAmount, EffectiveDate, Pricebook2Id FROM Order';
String searchKey = '\'%' + String.escapeSingleQuotes(queryTerm) + '%\'';
strCountQuery += ' WHERE (Account.Name LIKE '+searchKey+' OR Status LIKE '+searchKey+' OR OrderNumber LIKE '+searchKey+')';
strQuery += ' WHERE (Account.Name LIKE '+searchKey+' OR Status LIKE '+searchKey+' OR OrderNumber LIKE '+searchKey+')';
if(fromDate!=null && toDate!=null){
string frmDt = string.valueOf(fromDate).substring(0,10);
string toDt = string.valueOf(toDate).substring(0,10);
strQuery += ' AND DAY_ONLY(Createddate) >= '+frmDt+' AND DAY_ONLY(Createddate) <= '+toDt;
strCountQuery += ' AND DAY_ONLY(Createddate) >= '+frmDt+' AND DAY_ONLY(Createddate) <= '+toDt;
strQuery += ' ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC LIMIT:limitSize OFFSET:offset';
recordsWrapper recWrapper = new recordsWrapper();
recWrapper.records = Database.Query(strQuery);
recWrapper.totalRecords = Database.countQuery(strCountQuery);
return recWrapper;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new AuraHandledException(e.getMessage());
@AuraEnabled(cacheable = true)
public static recordsWrapper getVisits(String queryTerm, String accountId, Integer limitSize, Integer offset){
try {
string strCountQuery = 'SELECT count() FROM Visit';
string strQuery = 'SELECT Id, Name, AccountId, Account.Name, ContactId, Contact.Name, VisitTypeId, VisitType.Name, LocationId, Location.Name, Status, VisitPriority, PlannedVisitStartTime, PlannedVisitEndTime FROM Visit';
if(string.isNotBlank(queryTerm) || string.isNotBlank(accountId)){
string frmDt = string.valueOf(system.today()).substring(0,10);
String searchKey = '\'%' + String.escapeSingleQuotes(queryTerm) + '%\'';
strCountQuery += ' WHERE AccountId =: accountId AND DAY_ONLY(CreatedDate) <= '+frmDt +' AND (Account.Name LIKE '+searchKey+' OR Location.Name LIKE '+searchKey+')';
strQuery += ' WHERE AccountId =: accountId AND DAY_ONLY(CreatedDate) <= '+frmDt +' AND (Account.Name LIKE '+searchKey+' OR Location.Name LIKE '+searchKey+')';
strQuery += ' ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC LIMIT '+limitSize+' OFFSET '+offset;
recordsWrapper recWrapper = new recordsWrapper();
recWrapper.records = checkForPermissions(Database.Query(strQuery));
recWrapper.totalRecords = Database.countQuery(strCountQuery);
return recWrapper;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new AuraHandledException(e.getMessage());
public static List<Schema.Location> getRelatedFulfillmentLocations(String accId){
return (List<Schema.Location>) checkForPermissions([Select Id,Name, IsInventoryLocation FROM Location WHERE Id IN (SELECT FulfillmentLocationId FROM ProductFulfillmentLocation WHERE AccountId =:accId) AND IsInventoryLocation=true]);
public static List<Order> getOrderById(String orderId){
return (List<Order>) checkForPermissions([SELECT Id, OrderNumber, Createddate, AccountId, Account.Name, Status, TotalAmount, EffectiveDate, Pricebook2Id FROM Order WHERE Id= : orderId]);
public static List<SObject> checkForPermissions(List<SObject> records){
SObjectAccessDecision securityDecision = Security.stripInaccessible(
return securityDecision.getRecords();
public class recordsWrapper{
@AuraEnabled public List<SObject> records;
@AuraEnabled public Integer totalRecords;